Clematis 'John Paul II'

From £8.99

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11cm Pot Grown Plants
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  • Suitable for planting in sunny and partially shaded locations
  • Suitable for growing in pots and containers
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Summer flowering time
  • Green foliage colour
  • Pink flowering Colour

Availability to buy and flowering time

Available to Buy Flowering Time

Product Description

Clematis 'John Paul II' grows a mass of creamy white flowers, each decorated with delicate reddish pink stamens. It will flower in waves, once in late spring and again in autumn. A perfect climber for any wall, fence, or trellis.

Plant Size

Mature Height 300 cm
Mature Spread 90 cm
Plant Spacing 120 cm

Planting Notes

Planting Plant with plenty of room for the roots to expand/develop
Soil Type Fertile, moist but well drained soil

Growing at a glance…

Clematis can be planted October-May in areas with good drainage and plenty of sun is preferable. Soak in a bucket of water prior to planting and plant deep enough to allow plenty of room for root development. The roots of clematis like to be kept cool, so its a great idea to keep their roots in a shady spot if possible. The motto is 'heads in the sun, feet in the shade'.

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